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Sick of Cleaning

this storyteller.

Mommy called from Columbia last night to share with me a report on ABC news. Supportive of that report is this article from another local news source WLTX.

Household cleaning products proven damaging to lungs

Thing is, it’s not just Columbia but an international health concern we should all beware. People all over the world are actually becoming sick from cleaning. I know I was. Mommy may or may not have had a few words of gratitude to extend to me as well. 😏 I initiated our household conversion in January 😁 and she soon began following suite. The changes have been evidently beneficial.

How I feel about it?! WE’RE GREAT OVER HERE!! 🙋🏽‍♀️I’m a person who enjoys cleaning. I clean stuff most people find already cleaned, because I like for it to be clean!! ☺️ Knowing now that these cleaning products (pictured) have been contributing to my “allergies” and have been the reason “it’s too strong” for my children to bear the cleaning process.

Spring cleaning for our home and health was not the only call for attention. My focus needed to be adjusted and cleaned as well. This past month, I began repeating a mantra that helps guide me smoothly through uncontrollable situations: I will not conform to the complacency of my environment. My residency claim to the Pacific Northwest is nearing 3 years and admittedly, I have found myself in a very contented place progressively. Yes, I've done shows locally, and my talents have been displayed through the amazing works of others; however, my attempts to do more stopped at the awed reaction others gave to the idea - complacency. I'll spare you the boring details by simply saying, I needed to clean and create.

Viewers know that RhyanMichele sings, acts, blah blah blah, but knowing me is to learn my story. After all, I am this storyteller. with so much to tell and so many different ways to tell it. To know me is to hear me tell my story! But how do I tell it when I question its ability, likeness and acceptability? Working under the wings of other creators introduces new experiences, grants exposure and stretches imagination. Responsibility is quite limited (in a great way) when working on other projects, often yielding a clean break from mishaps. Come to work, do your job, receive compensation, go home.

To me, the approach is a very clean and safe way to work. Very little risk is taken, and the credit is given where it is due. Easy peasy! The toxic part is although it's easy for me, it's not fulfilling. The satisfaction is fleeting and the urge to display my original work creeps in ever so strongly. What exactly am I cleaning? My thoughts...because they were dirty. I convinced myself that I was better off helping other people. Instead of accepting cluttered notes of ideas as lost trains of thought, I view them as many masterpieces! And those masterpieces get to be cleaned up as demonstration and inspiration of clean storytelling. Because it's not about the content. It's about the consistency and ethnicity of the work.

I’m dancing to know that my gut was right!! I simply needed to remove the nasty toxins which were in my environments. And with science proving that I don’t have allergies, I gladly dump the rest of this mess...full bottles too. What we have now, will excuse NOONE from cleaning or creating!! 😂🤣

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